Scientific members of the UU IRB board are currently practicing physicians, nurses, scientists, and faculty members at the University of Utah. Non-scientific members include University students, staff, and community members.
UU IRB has been fully AAHRPP accredited since 2007. FDA has conducted site visits of the IRB in 2004, 2007, 2012, and 2017. All site visits resulted in no findings for UU IRB.
Health Sciences
UU is a leading research medical school and includes a top-ranked commercialization program with focus on biomedical engineering and diagnostic laboratory programs.

Social/Behavioral Sciences
A member of the prestigious Association of American Universities recognized for its innovative research. UU IRB reviews all UU Main Campus research.
UU IRB is the IRB of record for a nationally ranked children's hospital: Intermountain Primary Children's Hospital.

UU IRB is the IRB of record for an NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center, Huntsman Cancer Institute at University of Utah

UU IRB is an approved IRB for VA and the IRB of record for Salt Lake Veteran's Administration Health Care System.